What Does a Coyote Sound Like? [Secret Coyote Sounds Mp3+Video]

Have you ever heard coyotes calling loudly? If yes, you might be thinking about what makes this animal howl and bark intensely.

Do you want to know the reason for coyote calls? Well, then you would probably love this article. It’s all about coyote sounds.

What does a coyote sound like? Coyote sounds different in different situations. They can use eleven types of vocals depending on what’s happening around them. They would sound like yelp, bark, howl, whine, woof, huff, growl for talking, warning, calling others and many more.

No doubt, the credit for the most variant vocalist mammal goes to the coyote. They even howl in groups that are really annoying at night especially. If you live near them, you are likely to feel disturbance especially when they howl in groups at night. To understand what they want to say is easy through this article. Stay with us!

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What sound does a coyote make

Coyote is a very vocal animal that can produce a variety of sounds with different frequencies as well as intensity. These vocals are meaningful and situational. They can bark, howl, yelp, huff, woof, whine for different purposes. If you live near coyote dominated areas, you might have observed restless nights due to their noises. They even utter collective howls that are really disturbing for the human population nearby.

Eleven Types of Coyote Vocals and meanings

According to studies, a coyote can make eleven different types of sounds. All these sound patterns have different intensity, loudness, and frequencies. Let’s see the details of each vocal type with meaning one by one;


Woof calls are made by parent animals especially when they want to push their cubs in a hidden place or den. These sounds are usually low-pitch alarms in case of impending dangers or predators. Adult dogs often utter woof like vocals close to the den or bedding areas of pups. It sounds like. Wooo….ooo.


Growls are low warning sounds but with high pitch which means don’t come closer. Such sounds can be heard when puppies fight each other during mating. These are in fact warning signals from coyotes to another coyote. Sometimes growling accompanies barking if danger is not so far. It seems as these vocals are uttered from the deep throat as



Huff calls are also high pitch warning vocals. These sounds are produced both from nostrils and mouth. Animals push air forcefully out through the nose to produce such sounds. So, these are less like sound and more pressure of air from noise. These calls mean to stop unwanted advances of a fellow coyote or even other animals.


Barking sounds of a coyote resemble a dog. Such sounds are most common and it is difficult to identify between dog bark and coyote bark. They bark for several reasons. Mostly they do so while talking to other fellows. In case of danger and unwanted advance, they also bark in a loud pitch long-note voice. This barking sounds like.OO…Hoo.HooooooooooOo


Yelp sounds are expressive and made in excitement. Young ones make yelp noises while playing with others. These vocals are high intensity but short note sounds. Such sounds mean we are happy.


Whines are expressive notes in case of distress, pain or hunger. During delivery, female coyotes whine with pain. Young ones whine in low pitch during hunger.

High Pitch Whines

High pitch whines are agonistic sounds produced by leading animals. They show submission to subordinates.

Bark howls

Bark howls are sounds in which coyotes bark and howl simultaneously. These sounds are meant for alarming signals and showing dominance over territory.

Low pitch whines

Low-frequency whines include physical gestures also like tail wagging and muzzle nibling. These sounds are heard to attract the opposite sex in the mating season.

Group collective howl

Group collective howls are multiple sounds at the same time. These are like greeting dog songs like Wooo….wo..ooo…wo.It seems as if a coyote pack is planning a party.

Lost lone call

This call is extremely disturbing produced by infants when they lose parents. Pups make lost lonely call noise to call mothers or to tell them they are hungry.

Response to lone howl

Response to the lone call of the pup is group howls. These sounds are long notes high pitch sounds.

What does a coyote sound like when it barks

Coyote sounds like a dog when it barks. These barking sounds range from low to high frequency. These are one of the leading common vocals from How…ooo…HHoO…How. People often confuse these sounds with a dog bark. They mostly bark to talk, defend and threaten other fellows.

Here is an amazing video of a coyote barking continuously.

What does a coyote sound like when it howls

Coyote howls are high-intensity loud barks and yips. Studies have shown that first, only one coyote starts howling than others also join. So, don’t think it is the voice of one coyote, it can be multiple animals howling at the same time. The dominant member is first to start howl. All these howling notes carry meaning. Listen to Coyote Pack howl to understand this phenomenon better. Sometimes these howls sound like an ambulance horn.

What does a coyote sound like when it screams

Coyotes typically scream a lot at night. These screams are short or long notes of high pitch frequency yelps. These yelp like screams are meant to talk to other fellow coyotes of the same area.

What does a coyote sound like when it kills? Sometimes they also scream to protect den from predators. They also utter loud screams while attacking prey near the den. Listen to the distressed scream of coyote pursued by a dog.

What does a coyote sound like at night

This animal is very active during the night. Usually, they hunt in the dark. That is why you can hear them quite often at night. It is a common observation that in a full moon, coyote barks a lot. The fact is that moonlight helps them to find insects and little creatures in thick forests. Sometimes people wrongly think that they might be howling at the moon. Actually they talk to each other, not the moon. They want to remain in touch with their fellows. Watch this video of coyote sound at night and don’t get scared. Just enjoy!

What does a coyote sound like in the heat

During summer, both male and female coyotes get busy in parenting jobs. They produce distress calls of high or low-frequency whines. Summer is a time of breeding and mating also. So, summer vocals are sometimes excited yelps or sometimes agonistic male growls. Hunters who hunt during hot weather are recommended to use distress calls to attract coyotes.

Coyote Sounds meaning

Interesting to note that coyote calls are meaningful with strong expressions. However, the meanings are situational. Sometimes they would scream with excitement. At the same time, they can also howl with agony. It depends on what’s going on around them. These sounds carry the meaning of distress, warning, agony, domination, excitement, betrayal, pain and many more.

Frequently Asked Questions (Faq)

Do coyotes sound like owls?

People often mistook coyote calls as owl calls. However, coyotes are vocal variants like owls but actually both produce different sound patterns.

Why do coyotes yip at night?

Coyotes yip and scream at night to talk to other fellow coyotes of that area. They also yip because they prey at night.

Do Coyotes make a screaming sound?

Yes, they do especially at night. They also scream when other animals chase  them

What does a coyote sound like when it grows?

Growling sounds are agonistic sounds made in anger to drive other fellow coyotes away.

Do Coyotes bark or howl?

They do both. Barking is common whereas howling is situational. They bark commonly but howl when smelling danger.


Hunters often think about what does coyote sounds like in different situations. This article provides a comprehensive guide of all types of vocalization in various circumstances. Read it thoroughly if you are planning to hunt them. I would suggest you listen to these sounds again and again to get a better understanding of the reason behind these variant vocals. Don’t confuse coyote with the wild dogs. Though it belongs to the dog family yet it has different traits. I hope that this article will help you in tracing coyotes from a distance.

what sound does a coyote make